Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Swing Eclectic Oct. 6 Playlist

Thank you for all who participated in the survey to determine a focus for the October 6 dance. The results are in and it was a tie between Swing Eclectic and World Eclectic with Blues Eclectic a few votes back, then Waltz Eclectic and Tango and Tapas. So in Oct 6 we will be having a swing dance with an eclectic twist. I will working on it over the next couple of weeks and feel the playlist will be one that can be enjoyed by  those who enjoy the Thursday Fulton Park and Sunday Brunch dances. Check out the progress of the playlist here. Please email me comments and suggestions.

(Edit- 9/25/12)  Swing dance music is a huge genre that covers about a 100 years and many different subcultures. So my first thought is take a dancing journey through this diversity. One challenge I will have to keeping the energy sustainable for dancers to have become familiar our playlists. I will attempt to do this by including some waltz, blues and two steps (fox trots and night club) with the swing music. I have updated the playlist to give you an idea of what this playlist might be like. As always your feedback is welcome.

There is a slider on the right to access the full list.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Description of the different Dance Eclectic Playlists

The variety of music and ways of dancing to music are limitless. We all have individual comfort levels within certain styles of music and dance genres. Here are descriptions of different playlists that I hope will provide you with an idea of what to expect when you come to a Dance Eclectic event

The focus of Waltz Eclectic playlists is the waltz - There will be around 50% waltzes sometimes more but seldom less. They will be of varying tempo and dynamics that include slow waltzes, rortary turning waltzes, fast turning waltzes, hesitation and blues waltzes. Also with waltz will be various two steps (night club, rhumbas, mambos, zydeco, foxtrots), one steps and swing. The general tone of an evening of this playlist will be melodically aerobic, more extroverted than introverted  and upbeat.
A typical playlist for Sunday Waltz brunch and other waltz eclectic dances

The focus of the Blues Eclectic playlist is all blues: There will various styles of blues  - classic to contemporary, blues that swing, blues where you feel the rhythm in your body and that gets you to move. The tone of the playlist is sensual, moody, more introverted than extroverted with an intensity that you feel in your body. It is meant to inspire dancing that has a mutually responsive, flowing connection between partners and allows freedom for improvisation.
A Typcial Playlist for a BluesEclectic dance (updated 10/1/12)
The focus of the Swing Eclectic playlist is, no surprise, swing. This playlist will be an eclectic mix of contemporary and vintage swing plus west coast, waltz and cha cha.
Tango Eclectic: From a tango viewpoint all the music will be of an alternative tango variety and from a non tango dancer’s viewpoint the music will have latin, swing, waltz, blues rhythms. For dancers who know both tango and other dances this will be an atmosphere in which you can dance what you feel at the moment.
  World Eclectic: lots of latin, waltz, swing from around the world
A typical playlist for a World eclectic dance. I also play from this playlist during the last of hour of other dances.
Check back. I will complete the post in the next day or two......