Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Waltz Ball- new music suggestions

Playlists for events like the Summer Waltz Playlist, are composed mostly of familiar music that has been played for dancers many times and has kept them on the floor dancing. But some new music helps to add a freshness to the playlist, especially if the music inspires dancing. Here is a selection of new music that I am considering for the playlist. I would love to hear your thoughts on any of the music below.

To listen to the music you will need to sign up for spotify and download and install the software. I quick (especially if you have a Facebook account), easy and free. The are 14 songs in the list so you will need to scroll down. Scroll is on right.

A number of the songs, if played on Saturday, will be adjusted for length and tempo to play them more danceable.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity to comment on some of the music played at Fulton Park Community Center on Thursday, July 26th. Personally, I do not care to dance to music in which the tempo changes a great deal throughout the number. I think that was the case with many of the pieces played last night. I can't target specific songs, but in general would prefer numbers with a good, strong, steady tempo. Thanks for all you do for us, Dennis! Carol Hendrickson and Ralph Paradis